Contact information

Street address: Loistekatu 12

Post code: 70210

Post office: Kuopio


Additional information

Salibandykentät lkm: 3

Kioski: Yes

Kentän pituus m: 44m

Koripallokentät lkm: 2

Pintamateriaali sulana: Muovi / synteettinen

Sulkapallokentät lkm: 10

Kentän leveys m: 75m

Pintamateriaali lisätieto: Yhdistelmäjoustava Taraflex

Ottelukello: Yes

Lentopallokentät lkm: 5

Tilan korkeus m: 12.5m

Yleisö-wc: Yes

Tulostaulu: Yes

Katsomon kapasiteetti hlö: 2500

Pinta-ala m2: 5030㎡

Äänentoisto: Yes

Luola – Sports and Events Centre in Savilahti

Luola was opened on 14 August 2024!

Savilahti Sports and Events Centre Luola, which is being quarried in a rocky cave, is a versatile meeting place for around 2500 people. The multi-purpose centre will link the Varikko area to the heart of Savilahti and form an attractive gateway to the park and local services.

The centre will also ensure security of the district by providing a shared shelter for nearly 7000 people. It will also bring vitality and activity to the area through new services and business opportunities.

The multi-purpose centre serves a large number of schoolchildren, students, sports clubs and individual citizens. At the same time, it provides a venue for events such as concerts, seminars, tournaments, major league and international matches.

Opening hours:

Mon to Fri at 8-22, cash desk services at 13-21.

Sat to Sun at 9-21, cash desk services at 9-20.

Kahvila Aikalisä open Mon to Fri at 13-21, Sat to Sun at 9-20.

Exceptional opening hours:

– Fri 28.3. Sports hall is closed all day
– Sat 29.3. Sports hall is closed all day, gym and other facilities closed at 12.00
– Sun 30.3. Sports hall is closed from 8 am to 1 pm.

Price list:

  • Table tennis/adults/1h:   €14,00
  • Badminton court/adults/1h:   €14,00
  • Pickleball/adults/1h:   €14,00
  • Table tennis, badminton, pickleball/under 18 years old/1h:   €9,00
  • Gym/single ticket/adults:   €7,00
  • Gym/single ticket/discount groups:   €5,00
  • Gym/single ticket/under 18 years old:   €4,50
  • Gym/adults/10 tickets/25 tickets:   €63,00 / €140,00
  • Gym/discount groups/10 tickets/25 tickets:   €45,00 / €100,00
  • Gym/under 18 years old/10 tickets/25 tickets:   €40,50 / €90,00

You also need a Liikkuva Kuopio bracelet (€8,00) to download the service.


Facilities in Luola

360 virtual tour

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Ole hyvä ja hyväksy markkinointievästeet nähdäksesi tämän sisällön.
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Ole hyvä ja hyväksy markkinointievästeet nähdäksesi tämän sisällön.

More information on booking Luola facilities

Booking service Ti­la­va­rauk­set
tel. 017 182 550
Visiting address: Val­tuus­to­ta­lo-building, Suokatu 42, 70100 Kuopio.
Phone hours: Mon 12-14 Tue, Wed and Thu 9-11 and 12-14, Fri 9-11

Luola customer service
tel. 044 718 2534
Loistekatu 12, 70210 Kuopio

Contact information

Street address: Loistekatu 12

Post code: 70210

Post office: Kuopio


Additional information

Salibandykentät lkm: 3

Kioski: Yes

Kentän pituus m: 44m

Koripallokentät lkm: 2

Pintamateriaali sulana: Muovi / synteettinen

Sulkapallokentät lkm: 10

Kentän leveys m: 75m

Pintamateriaali lisätieto: Yhdistelmäjoustava Taraflex

Ottelukello: Yes

Lentopallokentät lkm: 5

Tilan korkeus m: 12.5m

Yleisö-wc: Yes

Tulostaulu: Yes

Katsomon kapasiteetti hlö: 2500

Pinta-ala m2: 5030㎡

Äänentoisto: Yes