Contact information

Street address: Petosentie 8

Post code: 70820

Post office: Kuopio


Phone: 17182591

Lippumäki swimming pool

Lippumäki swimming hall

The Lippumäki swimming pool is one of the city’s indoor swimming pools and is located in the Petonen neighborhood. Welcome!

Opening hours

Mon, Wed, Fri 8:00 – 22:00 (cashier 8:00 – 21:00)
Tue, Thu 6:00 – 22:00 (cashier 8:00 – 21:00)
Sat, Sun 8:00 – 21:00 (cashier 8:00 – 20:00)

Swimming time continues 30 minutes after cashier closing. On weekdays hall closes at 22:00 and on weekends hall closes at 21:00.


Mon, Tue, Thur and Fri 6:00 – 21:00 (shower and changing rooms closes at 22:00)
Wed 8:00-21:00 (shower and changing rooms closes at 22:00)
Sat, Sun 8:00 – 20:00 (shower and changing rooms closes at 21:00)

More information of the gym.

Sports hall

In Lippumäki you can also find the services of the sports hall. The exercise area (44 m x 25 m) enables a full-scale indoor bandy or futsal court with safety areas.

More information of the sports hall.

NOTE! During times outside of customer and cashier services, the gym only serves users of series and time-limited products. On the side of indoor hall at the same times, there is a possibility of booked groups. In this case, the group changing rooms serve as changing rooms, and there is no possibility of swimming or sauna.

Price list

The prices are inclusive of 14% VAT

  • Single entrance tickets € 7.00 / discount price € 5.00 / 5-17 years old € 4.50
  • 10-entrance pass € 63.00 / € 45.00 / € 40.50
  • 25-entrance pass € 140.00 / € 100.00 / € 90.00
  • 100-ticket booklet € 605.50

You must also purchase the Liikkuva Kuopio-bracelet the first time you get a series ticket, price € 8.00 (incl. 25,5% VAT).

a new bracelet to replace the lost one € 9.20.

The discount group includes students with a student card, conscripts and non-military servicemen, disabled people, pensioners, disability pension recipients, and unemployed people. Children under 5 years of age may enter free of charge if accompanied by a paying adult.

Did you know? You can also get a day or month pass that provides you with access to the sports hall services in Kuopio. For more information about sports passes and other sports cards, see the Indoor Sports page.

The full price list (pdf) also includes other prices such as training session prices and swimming lane rentals.

Rules and regulations

Lippumäki swimming pool rules and regulations (pdf)

Contact information

Customer service / cash desk tel. 017 182 591

Lifeguard tel. 044 7182 593

Current booking status

Up-to-date booking calendar
You can browse open/booked slots in the calendar, but cannot register or book slots in the system.

Contact information

Street address: Petosentie 8

Post code: 70820

Post office: Kuopio


Phone: 17182591