Kuopio Hall
Kuopio Hall
Kuopio hall is open
- Mon to Thu at 7.45-21.00 o’clock (the hall facilities are open until 22 o’clock)
- Fri at 7.45-20.00 o’clock (hall facilities are open until 21)
- on weekends open at 11.00-19.00 o’clock (hall facilities open until 20)
- Customer service is open at 11.30-19.00 every day
For exercise enthusiasts
Engage in a variety of sports and exercises at Kuopio Hall. In addition to track and field venues, the hall includes different ball game fields, a gym and a gymnastics and dance area. Many clubs organise activities in the hall, and individual local residents can also use the hall’s gym, running track and other track and field venues unless they have been pre-booked or are used for training by athletes. More about prices below Kuopio Hall facilitates accessible physical activity.
Please, see here for instruction videos for gym equipment!
For event organisers
Kuopio Hall has great facilities for organising events such as sports competitions, concerts, fairs and other events. See below for more details about the hall services and contact information for booking the facilities.
Exceptions to opening hours:
- See the TIMMI booking calendar at the bottom of this page for the real-time booking status in the hall. In connection with events organised in the hall, please note that there may also be restrictions to using the venues before and after the events.
- NB! On weekdays from October to March at 17-19 o’clock, the entire track and field venue has been reserved for the athletes of the Kuopion Reipas association, and no other groups may use the venues at this time.
- However, the clubs training during pre-booked sessions can book the 3 outermost tracks on the running track before the start of the sessions. Using the tracks is subject to a fee in accordance with the price list.
Price list
Hall fees
Paying the hall fee entitles you to use the track and field venue but does NOT include the gym.
The prices include 14% VAT
- Single entrance ticket €7 / discount price €5 / under 18yo. €4.50
- 10-entrance pass €63 / €45 / €40.50
- 25-entrance pass €140 / €100 / €90
You must also purchase the Liikkuva Kuopio bracelet the first time you get a series ticket, price €8. The pass service is downloaded on the bracelet.
A new bracelet to replace the lost one €9.20.
Gym fees
The gym fee entitles you to use the gym for 2,5 hours and to also use the hall’s track and field venues.
The prices include 14% VAT
- Single entrance ticket €10 / discount price €7 / under 18yo. €6
- 10-entrance pass €90 / €63 / €54
- 25-entrance pass €200 / €140 / €120
Did you know? You can also get a day pass or month pass that provides you with access to the services of the sports halls in Kuopio. For more information about sports passes and other sports cards, see the Indoor Sports page.
The discount group includes, students with a student card, conscripts and non-military servicemen, disabled people, pensioners, disability pension recipients, and unemployed people.
Those aged under 5 have free access to Kuopio Hall when accompanied with a paying adult.
The full Kuopio Hall price list (pdf) also includes use fees per venue, e.g. for sports or commercial use.
The sports hall service and sports pass and card fees (pdf) includes information about other service fees.
Current issues
- Private sessions in the gymnastics area
A venue fee of €34/h is charged from private individuals. Max. two-hour slots may be booked by a single person. Cancellations must be made at the latest 7 hours before the booked sessions, after which we will charge the full price for cancelled sessions. For safety reasons, an adult must always supervise the activities in the venue. - Meeting room II for organizing birthday parties – you can take your own food and decorations to the space 15 minutes before the booked time if the space is available. The space must be clean/empty by the end of your booking time. Rental fee is €14/h.
- Private sessions in the gymnastics area
- ePassi at the sports halls: customers must download the ePassi application on their devices. Pay with an SMS using the ePassi based on the price list provided at the cash desk during the desk’s opening hours. Instructions are provided at the cash desk.
- Pickleball is a new sport offered in Kuopio Hall (April-October). This is a fun and addictive ball game that combines elements of badminton, table tennis, and tennis. The game is intended for two or four players.
Customer service and bookings
Kuopio Hall customer service
+358 (0)17 182 554
Hall managers
+358 (0)44 718 2553
+358 (0)44 718 1445
Booking calendar
Click on the names of the venues to access an up-to-date booking calendar.
- entire hall
- entire sports hall
- other facilities (meeting rooms, gym, parquet)
- track and field venues (incl. running tracks)
- gymnastics (canvas and apparatus, parquet)
- badminton and pickleball (April-October)
- table tennis on parquet (one table)
- courts April-October (basketball, floorball, volleyball)
- courts November-March (football, Finnish baseball, volleyball)
- floorball match arena (November-March)
You can browse free slots in the calendar, but you can not book the hall facilities in the system. The slots displayed as white are free.
Information about Kuopio Hall
- Total floor area 14.000 m2, length 148,5 m, width 95,54 m and indoor height 20.5 m
- Maximum audience capacity 9000 persons
- 56-seat cafeteria is for rent in connection with events
- Performance stage size 140 m2
- Fixed bleachers with 1,300 seats and additional 1,000 seats in transportable bleachers
- 150 fair tables and 2,400 transportable chairs
- Good sound projection in the hall
- Accessible venues for athletes
- Meeting room 1 (30-50 people) with a video projector (with personal laptop), CD player and speakers
- Meeting room 2 (around 20 people) flip chart available as necessary
- Locker rooms: 4 locker rooms for women and 4 for men, all include showers. Open coat racks in the locker rooms, no separate lockers. Storage lockers are available in the locker room hallways. There are three different types of lockers: the small lockers are operated with a 50 cent coin, which you get back. Large lockers are operated with a 20 cent coin, which you will not get back. The blue lockers operate with a pin code of your choice, free of charge.
Contact information
Street address: Opistotie 4
Post code: 70200
Post office: Kuopio
District: Hatsala
Email: kuopiohalli@kuopio.fi
Phone: 017 182 554
Additional information
Salibandykentät lkm: 1
Kuulantyöntöpaikat lkm: 1
Kioski: Yes
Kentän pituus m: 148.5m
Seiväshyppypaikat lkm: 1
Telinevoimistelutila: Yes
Moukarinheittopaikat lkm: 1
Pintamateriaali sulana: Tekonurmi
Kentän leveys m: 95.5m
Kohteesta on esteettömyystietoa: Kenttäalueille on esteetön pääsy.
Pintamateriaali lisätieto: Jalkapallo- ja pesäpallokentillä ruohomatto, lentopallokentällä taraflex/parketti, salibandykentällä taraflex, tanssisalissa parketti, muilla kentillä betoni
Pituus- ja kolmiloikkapaikat lkm: 1
Etusuorien lkm: 7
Tilan korkeus m: 20.5m
Sisäradan pituus m: 337m
Etusuoran pituus m: 110m
Jalkapallokentät lkm: 1
Juoksuradan pintamateriaali: synthetic
Kiertävät radat lkm: 5
Katsomon kapasiteetti hlö: 2300
Kiekonheittopaikat lkm: 1
Pinta-ala m2: 14000㎡
Korkeushyppypaikat lkm: 1