Contact information

Street address: Rötikön Kipansalo 1

Post code: 71160

Post office: Riistavesi

District: Riistavesi

Kipansalo hut

Kipansalo hut is located on the Riistavesi-Vehmersalmi boat route at the southern tip of Kipansalo. The property has a sauna cabin completed in 2003, a water pump for sauna-goers and a separate lean-to. There is a firewood supply at the site. There is no waste management, everyone transports their own waste. The boat lane runs on the east side right next door. The draft of the fairway is 1.2 m during low water.

Mooring: paddle dock, pier, stern buoys, anchor, shore

Equipment: wilderness hut, sauna (wood heating), lean-to, firewood, toilet, pier, paddle pier, buoy places, information board

Kipansalo hut (

Contact information

Street address: Rötikön Kipansalo 1

Post code: 71160

Post office: Riistavesi

District: Riistavesi