Hietasalo hut

The island of Hietasalo is a popular place to visit with its sandy beaches in South Kallavesi. The island is about 5 km from the passenger harbour, from Lehtoniemi it is about 2 km. Hietasalo is part of Kuopio National Urban Park, and in the urban park development project, a log hut of approximately 100 m2 with a capacity of 45 people was completed in 2022. The hut is accessible from the pier, so it can be reached by wheelchair or with a children’s stroller. There is also an accessible dry toilet in connection with the hut.
The hut is available for all outdoor enthusiasts, but it can also be booked for private use for various events.
Koda reservations are handled by the city’s facility reservation services, tilavaraukset@kuopio.fi, tel. 017 182 550. Up-to-date reservations for the hut can be found here.
The rent of the hut is 40 euros/2 hours. Additional hours are 15 euros/hour. The hut can be rented for up to 12 hours at a time. The rent will be paid after the event. It is the renter’s responsibility to clean the hut after the rental period has ended and to verify the cleanliness of the hut with photos inside the hut after the rental period. Other visitors to the hut must also take care of cleaning the hut after use and removing rubbish for the next users.
Contact information
Street address: Etelä-Kallaveden Hietasalo 376
Post code: 70100
Post office: Kuopio
Email: maaomaisuudenhallintapalvelut@kuopio.fi
Phone: 800918511