More programmes and plans by topic

The cross-administrative programmes and plans of the City of Kuopio apply to the activities of the entire city or the urban region.
Kuopio Growth Programme 2013–2020 (pdf, in Finnish)
The Kuopio Growth Programme concretely defines the city’s strategic goals and the responsibilities for implementing them. The programme compiles the shared objectives of different actors into a structured entity. Approved by the City Board on 25 February 2013.
The Wellbeing Report and Plan is prepared for each council term, and an abridged report on wellbeing is prepared annually. The Wellbeing Report and Plan contains a description of the state of wellbeing of Kuopio residents, the factors affecting their wellbeing, and a plan for promoting wellbeing in Kuopio.
Happy and Healthy Kuopio programme (pdf, in Finnish)
The Happy and Healthy Kuopio programme is one of the action programmes of the Kuopio 2030 strategy and serves as a framework for the management and development of wellbeing work in the City of Kuopio.
Age-Friendly Kuopio 2009–2030 (pdf, in Finnish)
The Age-Friendly Kuopio 2009–2030 programme defines the shared policies and measures of the city and its residents to support and strengthen the wellbeing of senior citizens in Kuopio. Approved by the Kuopio City Council on 22 October 2018 (section 81).
Home for All 2030 programme (pdf, in Finnish)
The Koti kaikilla 2030 (Home for All 2030) programme of the City of Kuopio aims to prevent homelessness in collaboration with different actors. Cooperation across sector boundaries is important in preventing homelessness. The programme emphasises early intervention, inclusion, and housing support.
City of Kuopio mental health and substance use action plan 2013–2020 (pdf, in Finnish)
The City of Kuopio mental health and substance use action plan focuses on promoting wellbeing, preventing problems, and early support. The aim is that mental health and substance abuse problems can be identified and treated early, with a focus on basic services or, best of all, the prevention of problems before they occur.
Disability policy programme in Kuopio (pdf, in Finnish)
The programme is a continuation of the first disability policy programme drawn up in 2002. The programme was updated in 2009 to assess the achievement of previously set objectives and to propose new measures.
Wellbeing plan for children and young people
The wellbeing plan for children and young people is used to guide, manage, and develop the wellbeing of children, young people, and families. The preparation of the wellbeing plan for children and young people is based on the Child Welfare Act and the Student Welfare Act. In Kuopio, the wellbeing plan for children and young people has been incorporated into the wellbeing report and plan referred to in the Health Care Act.
Plan for the promotion of sexual health 2018–2030 (pdf, in Finnish)
The aim of the plan for the promotion of sexual health is to guide and develop the promotion of sexual health in Kuopio. The plan is based on international and national sexual health promotion policies, laws, decrees, the city strategy, and the wellbeing report.
Youth services action plan 2017–2020 (pdf, in Finnish)
The action plan has been drawn up to guide youth services in Kuopio and to direct their development. The action plan provides a framework for professional youth work within which youth work is carried out, taking into account regional special characteristics and needs.
Plan for community activities in Kuopio (pdf, in Finnish)
The plan describes, for example, the objectives of community activities organised by the City of Kuopio as well as the organisers, facilities, activities, and the monitoring and evaluation of implementation.
Kuopio Integration Programme 2023
Municipalities are required by law to draw up an integration programme to promote the integration of immigrants (Act on the Promotion of Immigrant Integration section 32). The Kuopio Integration Programme 2023 is an update to the previous programme that was written and approved in 2016. Approved by the Kuopio City Council on 20 February 2023 (section 5).
Activation plan for cultural services 2015–2020
The plan includes a description of the contents and objectives of the current activation measures for cultural services as well as future challenges.
Kuopio Urban Area Plan 2030+ (Link to come!)
The Kuopio Urban Area Plan covers the municipalities included in the region’s land use, housing and transport agreement: Kuopio, Siilinjärvi, Lapinlahti, Suonenjoki, Leppävirta, and Tuusniemi. The Kuopio Urban Area Plan brings together the principles and objectives of major urban structure development in the region.
Approved by the City Board on 30 January 2023 (section 33).APOLI – Kuopio Architectural Policy Programme
APOLI sets the objectives for architecture and urban art in Kuopio and defines the measures for their implementation. The programme has been prepared as a guide for good construction practices, and it serves as a guideline for decision-making and planning related to the development and construction of the urban environment. Approved by the City Council on 23 October 2017 (section 32).
Kuopio green area services programme, playgrounds 2018–2024
The programme provides an overall picture of the network of playgrounds in the public areas of Kuopio. The programme defines long-term objectives for the development of playground construction, basic renovation, and services.
Kuopio green area services programme, beaches 2021–2030
The programme provides an overall picture of the public beaches of Kuopio and provides guidelines for implementing a versatile, pleasant, safe, easily accessible, and sufficiently extensive network of beaches. Approved by the Urban Structure Board on 21 April 2021 (section 83).
Kuopio national urban park management and use plan
The Kuopio national urban park management and use plan has been drawn up in 2020–2022. It was approved at the meeting of the City Board on 24 October 2022, section 290, for further approval by the Ministry of the Environment.
City of Kuopio Educational Policy Programme 2017–2025
The Educational Policy Programme steers the development and priorities of teaching and education between 2017 and 2025.
Kuopio city region public transport programme 2030 (pdf, in Finnish)
The programme presents targets for the number of passengers and other quantitative targets as well as measures for increasing the number of passengers, such as improving public transport services, developing the ticket system, and improving communications and marketing. The programme also includes a service level definition.
Kuopio region transport system plan 2040
The Kuopio region transport system plan covers Kuopio, Siilinjärvi, Lapinlahti, Tervo, Vesanto, Rautalampi, Suonenjoki, Leppävirta, Tuusniemi, and Kaavi. The transport system plan specifies development policies for 2040 and measures for 2025. Approved by the City Board on 30 January 2023 (section 34).
Land Policy Programme (pdf, in Finnish)
The latest land policy programme was approved by the City Council on 14 December 2015 as a guideline for the acquisition and transfer of land in the city, the management of the city’s land, the zoning of private land, and the promotion of construction on privately owned land.
Kuopio Rural Development Programme 2022–2030 (pdf, in Finnish)
Kuopio Rural Development Programme 2022–2030 is a rural policy tool that contains defined objectives and measures for developing Kuopio’s rural areas, prepared together with rural actors. The City Council approved the Kuopio Rural Development Programme on 16 May 2022 (section 30).
Equality and non-discrimination plan for services in Kuopio
The law requires municipalities to have a valid equality and non-discrimination plan and to monitor its implementation while taking different perspectives into account. The plan is a tool for evaluation, development, and management to promote equality in and non-discrimination of services. Approved by the City Board on 28 November 2022.
The service and procurement programme consists of two parts: Part I contains the city’s procurement principles and city-level policies, and Part II examines the service provision plans for different service areas for the upcoming years. Operational objectives and changes in service production are approved annually in connection with the budget. Approved by the City Board on 30 September 2013.
Kuopio personnel programme (pdf, in Finnish)
The personnel programme supports the implementation of the city’s strategy. It defines the vision, objectives, measures, and responsible parties for HR management in the City of Kuopio. Approved by the City Council on 19 December 2016.
The City of Kuopio security plan (part of the wellbeing report and plan)
Since 2015, the City of Kuopio has included a security plan for daily life as part of the wellbeing report and plan drawn up in accordance with the Health Care Act. The key objectives of the plan are the security and pleasantness of public areas and the prevention of accidents, substance-related harm, and violence.
Kuopio traffic safety plan 2030
Developing the traffic environment and improving the efficiency of road safety education, awareness-raising and information work are important means of improving traffic safety. The Kuopio traffic safety plan examines issues related to the traffic environment and measures to improve traffic safety.
Kuopio Climate Policy Programme 2020–2030
Kuopio aims for carbon neutrality by 2030. In addition to the carbon neutrality targets, the programme includes a plan for climate change mitigation and adaptation. The Climate Policy Programme steers the planning and implementation of climate measures by the City of Kuopio and supports the city’s strategic objectives for achieving resource wise consumption. Approved by the Kuopio City Council on 07 September 2020 (section 55).
Waste policy programme for 2030 (pdf, in Finnish)
The waste policy programme contains the shared view of the 15 municipalities of the Savo-Pielinen Waste Board and Jätekukko Oy’s operating area on how waste management in the region will be implemented and developed in 2023–2030.
FISU (Finnish Sustainable Communities) is a network of pioneering municipalities that aims for carbon neutrality, zero waste and globally sustainable consumption by 2050. Municipalities, companies and other local actors build a shared vision and roadmap to achieve the objectives. The aim is to strengthen the local and regional economy, create jobs, and promote sustainable wellbeing.
Circwaste – Finland towards circular economy
Together with nine other cities, Kuopio is committed to implementing the objectives of the national waste plan. The aim is to recycle materials as comprehensively as possible and to improve the possibilities of utilising municipal and construction waste. The municipalities promote the circular economy of their region by measures of their own choosing.
Energy efficiency action plan 2017–2025
Energy efficiency refers to the implementation of energy-consuming activities with minimal energy consumption. The European Union and the state set energy efficiency targets and obligations for municipalities as part of their activities.
The City of Kuopio has signed the municipal energy efficiency agreement for 2017–2025. The aim of the new agreement is to improve the efficiency of the city’s energy use by 7.5% by 2025.
Biodiversity programme (pdf, in Finnish)
The biodiversity programme contains the most important objectives and measures that the city can use to ensure the preservation of biodiversity in its own activities. The general objectives of the programme were approved by the City Board on 20 April 2015. The operating principles and measures were approved as guidelines. The programme is currently being updated.
Kuopio Resource Wisdom Programme (pdf, in Finnish)
Kuopio aims for a zero-emission, zero-waste and sustainable consumption level by 2050 at the latest. The Resource Wisdom Programme is one of the main objectives and operational programmes of the Kuopio 2030 strategy. The Resource Wisdom Programme serves as a guiding tool in the implementation of resource wisdom and circular economy.