Equality and non-discrimination plan for services in Kuopio 2022–2025

The law requires municipalities to have a valid equality and non-discrimination plan and to monitor its implementation while taking different perspectives into account. The plan is a tool for evaluation, development, and management to promote equality in and non-discrimination of services. The Equality and non-discrimination plan for services in Kuopio 2022–2025 is a city-level umbrella plan. The City’s service areas specify development areas from their own perspective.
The City Board approved the Equality and non-discrimination plan for services in Kuopio 2022–2025 on 28 November 2022 (section 333). The progress of the objectives and measures of the plan is reported annually in connection with the annual financial statement and, where relevant, with the annual reports of the wellbeing report and -plan. An interim report of the plan will be published in early 2024 and the final report in late 2025. The wellbeing group acts as the steering group for equality and non-discrimination work in Kuopio’s services.
Equality and non-discrimination plan for services in Kuopio 2022–2025 (pdf)