Statistical data on economic development

Satama iltavalaistuksessaan: Kallavesi, veneitä ja taustalla siintävät kaupunginvalot.

Employment report – current unemployment situation

Kuopio employment report (Power-Bi) is updated monthly.

Tourism – overnight stays

Kuopio is the 6th most popular tourist city among its reference cities. In 2023, 524,300 overnight stays were registered. This means a decrease of -2,1 % compared to the previous year. Overnight stays by foreigners accounted for 6,2 % of all overnight stays.

Jobs 2022

At the end of 2022, there were 55,400 jobs in Kuopio. Compared with the previous year, there were 2,0 % (1104) more jobs.

Kuopio has a diverse economic structure. 23% of jobs are in health and social services and 10% in trade. Industry jobs account for 6 %.