Open Data

Kuopio’s Open Data website collects information on the City’s open materials and interfaces that third parties can use free of charge. The downloadable materials are shared through portal, and the interfaces can be accessed on servers managed by the City. Materials are added when they are technically ready.
The group Kuopion datan avaajat (Opening the data in Kuopio) is coordinating the City’s open data efforts: planning, publishing, monitoring, evaluation, and development.
The City does not disclose any materials containing personal or population data, such as grid data, but the user must retrieve these from national services.
Like Datajalostamo, the website contains different, freely available data related to the City of Kuopio. The City has published data such as purchase invoice data, information related to public transport, and instructions concerning the use of open map interfaces on the website.
- Kuopio map service
- Kuopio’s 3D urban pattern
- Kuopio region public transport route search
- National interface for sports facilities
- Kuopio in motion (Link coming)
- Statistical data on the City (Link coming)
Information about future open data events will be published here.
Open Data terms and conditions (pdf in Finnish)
You can make suggestions and requests concerning an interesting data related to the City to be shared for public free use.
Marko Ahola
Geographic information engineer