Invoicing and invoicing addresses

How can I send an invoice to the City?
The City of Kuopio only receives e-invoices. The e-invoice address requires at least the EDI code of the service to be invoiced and the City’s invoice intermediary information.
City of Kuopio e-invoice intermediary: CGI Suomi Oy
Operator ID: 003703575029
Supplier portal
If you cannot send e-invoices, you can use the free supplier portal provided by the City of Kuopio. The Supplier portal is a service where invoices are made and delivered electronically if the invoice sender does not have an invoicing system.
Log in to the Supplier portal at
The first time you log in to the portal, you need to register. When you wish to register as a portal user, please first contact
When using the portal for the first time, we recommend you read the Supplier portal instructions for use at
Invoicing addresses and invoicing IDs
Invoices addressed to the City of Kuopio are directed to their separately specified invoicing addresses. When using a bank’s invoicing service, the ID is given under “buyer’s organisational unit”.
When using Telia Finland’s e-invoicing addresses, the ID has already been entered.
Invoicing addresses (pdf, in Finnish)
Information required in an invoice
We receive e-invoices that comply with Finvoice e-invoice standard recommended by Finance Finland. The message description prepared on the basis of the standard specifies the requirements the City demands for receiving e-invoices.
The invoice must clearly state
- in order to allocate the invoice, the reference information provided by the buyer, such as the name of the buyer, the cost centre, the number of the purchase authorisation, the issuer of the purchase authorisation or, for example, the name of the event, is needed
- where the invoice is addressed, the service area and its unit (= invoicing address)
- where the goods or services were delivered (the delivery address of the service area and the unit) and the delivery date
- what is being invoiced.
Contact information
Monetra Pohjois-Savo Oy contact information
Sales invoice team
Purchase invoice team
City of Kuopio Business ID: 0171450-7