City management

The Mayor and deputy mayors form the management of the City of Kuopio. Chief client officers and service managers are responsible for the service area operations.
Soile Lahti
1.8.2023 alkaen
Deputy Mayors
Jari Kyllönen
Deputy mayor
Service Area for Urban Environment
Pekka Vähäkangas
Deputy mayor
Service Areas for Wellbeing Promotion and Education and Learning
Executive secretaries
Kaisa Lumilampi
Executive secretary
+358 17 182 012, +358 44 718 2012
Tuija Korhonen
Executive secretary
+358 17 182 012, +358 44 718 2804
The Mayor’s Management Group
Working under the leadership of the Mayor, the main task of the City’s Management Group is to develop, steer, and supervise the operations of the City Group.
Management Group members 2024
Lahti Soile, Mayor, chair
Oinonen Tero, acting director of administration
Kyllönen Jari, deputy mayor
Vähäkangas Pekka, deputy mayor
Lätti-Hyvönen Sirpa, strategy director
Tiikasalo Anu, HR director
Martikainen Marja-Leena, finance director
Soininen Kirsi, marketing director
Väänänen Hannu, facility director
Pitkänen Jukka, business development director
Laine Ilkka, director of urban planning
Heikkinen Ismo, city engineer
Silvennoinen Silja, director of general education
Savukoski Marika, director of education
Hentunen Janne, manager for the advancement of wellbeing
Marin-Hakkarainen Tarja, personnel representative
Lumilampi Kaisa, executive secretary, secretary