Skilled workforce and internationality
North Savo needs skilled workforce to strengthen and maintain the economic development of the region. Reports have shown that the availability of talents has been recognised as one of the biggest challenges for the growth and existence of companies and organisations.
The sources for economic development in North Savo are built on the identified joint development spearheads of the area. These include mechanical and energy technology, forest industry, food, wellbeing technology, tourism, smart water system, and biorefining. There is plenty of established research, education, and innovation activities within these seven focus areas, not to mention significant business activities.
The development and support functions of the green transition are important for all sectors, such as in energy production and the development of sustainable tourism.
Sufficient resources and their further development must be secured for higher education and other educational institutions
The growth and renewal of the North Savo economy is more and more restricted by the availability of workforce and international talents. The operational conditions and further development of the University of Eastern Finland and Savonia University of Applied Sciences must be ensured also after the recent educational additions in technological fields.
There has been concern over the out-datedness of Finnish higher education, and in past years, resources of the Savonia University of Applied Sciences have been cut more than in control group institutions. The resources and operational conditions of secondary vocational education and training institutions (Savo Vocational College, Sakky, and Ylä-Savo Vocational College, YSAO) also have an impact on economic development, and these must be taken care of with further development made possible.
As internationalisation continues to grow, the need for an English-language degree programmes for vocational institutions has increased.
The operational preconditions of the Emergency Services Academy Finland, operating under the national Ministry of the Interior, must be protected, and the operations in Kuopio must be developed and strengthened
The Emergency Services Academy Finland plans and implements basic and further professional training for emergency response centre operations and rescue services; training for rescue service contract staff; civil preparedness training, including preparedness and international rescue operations; and research, development and innovation activities. The operational conditions of the Emergency Services Academy Finland must be ensured and the education and training to complete a qualification in the field must be centred in Kuopio. The funding and further development of the Emergency Services Academy Finland must be secured. The Emergency Services Academy Finland is able to respond to the increased workforce needs of rescue services by providing high-quality and cost-effective training.
The training and education system for rescue services and emergency centres is being reformed to meet the national needs and changes in the operating environment. The Emergency Services Academy Finland must be provided with sufficient resources for the planning and implementation of the education and training to complete a qualification, including the change and further education required by the reform. Resources for RDI activities, multidisciplinary cooperation, and dialogue with national and regional stakeholders should also be made possible.
In addition to securing the resources of educational institutions, general flexibility measures are needed. Sufficient resourcing of the authorities and regionally appropriate supply of services and capacity building can facilitate, for example, the immigration of students and employees.
Cooperation between companies and educational institutions must be developed in order to promote the availability of traineeships and to create a smoother transition from school to work and entrepreneurship. We also need to improve the working life attractiveness and partnerships and cooperation between actors and regions.