Local residents’ initiative

The Local Government Act guarantees local residents the right to make an initiative to their municipality in matters related to its scope of operations. To make a local residents’ initiative, you must be a member of the municipality in question.
There are several ways to submit an initiative to the City of Kuopio:
- Online by filling in an electronic form: Local residents’ initiative to the City of Kuopio
- In the service maintained by the Ministry of Justice (in Finnish or Swedish): https://www.kuntalaisaloite.fi/
- Sending the initiative by post to the following address: The City of Kuopio, P.O. Box 228, 70101 Kuopio
- Delivering the initiative to the Registry at the City hall: City hall, Tulliportinkatu 31
A local residents’ initiative must be significant in a general level and not only important for the submitter themself. If you want to give feedback to the City, ask questions or propose measures, you can do so via the general feedback service (in Finnish).