Annual financial statements and financial monitoring

Satama iltavalaistuksessaan: Kallavesi, veneitä ja taustalla siintävät kaupunginvalot.

Under the Local Government Act, municipal boards must prepare financial statements by the end of March. Annual financial statements include a report on operations, a budget implementation report, an income statement, a cash flow statement, a balance sheet, consolidated financial statements and their notes. A report on operations contains reviews on the operations and overall finances of the municipality and the municipal group. A budget implementation report includes the municipal council-approved objectives concerning the strategy, operational economy, investments and funding and their implementation.

The City Council receives a report on the implementation of the strategy and objectives four times a year. There are three interim reports and annual financial statements. The finances are also monitored with monthly reports.

Financial statements 2022

The financial statements of the City of Kuopio showed a deficit of EUR 4.3 million. The population in Kuopio increased by 1,047 residents.

Marja-Leena Martikainen

Finance director

Financial and ownership steering

+358 44 718 2153

Jaana Kuuva

Head of financial planning

Financial and ownership steering

+358 44 718 2788