Organisation of Facility services

According to the Rules of Operation , the Facility services, operating under the City Board, is responsible for
- meeting the City’s operations-related facility needs by renting appropriate facilities and organising their management and maintenance services
- acquiring, developing, selling, and demolishing of required facilities
- preserving the value of built properties and facilities and developing their capacity
- developing the working environments and the efficiency of space utilisation
- acting as a space utilisation expert.
Facility Services of the City of Kuopio manages all the built properties and facilities owned or controlled by the City, excluding the buildings of the City’s limited companies, property companies, municipal enterprises, and other balance sheet units.
The organisation consists of the Facility services, Project services (Architecture office and Builder office), and Maintenance services (Property services and Maintenance). Our common goal is to organise healthy and safe facilities for the needs of the City’s service production. The guidelines for operations are provided by the facility programme that combines the strategic objectives and policies of the City’s facility management.