Useful Free Guides and Tools for Entrepreneurs

Free guides and tools useful for entrepreneurs:
Guide – Becoming an Entrepreneur in Finland
Guide – Becoming an Entrepreneur in Finland contains all the information you need to start a business in an easily understandable form. Download the free guide from the website of the Enterprise Agency
Yritystulkki provides guides for working independently
Yritystulkki provides guides for everyday situations that you come across when running a business. You can use the guides to plan your finances and business activities, prepare contracts and fill in any forms you need in business. Yritystulkki can be used for free. The service is provided to entrepreneurs in the region by the Business Development Services of the City of Kuopio. Browse the guides of Yritystulkki
Another way to become an entrepreneur is to buy a business. Yrityspörssi gathers all the parties who sell and buy businesses under one service. You can post an ad any time you want and manage your ads easily. Yrityspörssi is a useful tool for both buyers and sellers as well as service providers. Click here to go to Yrityspörssi (in Finnish)
Startup ekosysteemi
Startup ecosystem displays the network within the Kuopio region, based on the Founders Institute Startup Ecosystem Canvas. It exhibits common stages startups go through, specific needs they’ll have and helpful contacts they should make use of in each stage. Check out the Startup ecosystem of the Kuopio region.
Are you looking for business premises?
The business premises register maintained by the Business Development Services contains information about the premises for rent and for sale in Kuopio. It includes premises owned by the City of Kuopio and advertised by real estate agents and private parties. Some of the larger facilities can also be divided into smaller sections. See the business premises search tool (in Finnish), more information Johanna Liukkonen,
In addition, the Facility Management Centre of the City of Kuopio manages approximately 600 buildings owned by the city. More information about the facilities for sale and for rent on the pages of the Facility Management Centre (in Finnish), more information Heikki Kekäläinen, puh. +358 44 718 5078,
Find business plots
We want to offer a range of options for businesses locating in Kuopio, whether they work in industry, commerce or some other line of business. The majority of the plots are located to the south of the city centre, near the motorway. More information about business plots and vacant sites on the pages of the City of Kuopio (in Finnish)
Please contact the Business Development Services before you submit a plot reservation application. More information is available from Mika Raatikainen, Business specialist,, +358 44 718 2048.
Network search
Kuopio and regional organizations are active members of various national and international networks. See the cooperation networks in our region