The anniversary year`s municipal elections are reflected in the city’s diverse communication to Kuopio residents

Kolme iloista ihmistä juhlivat ilmapallojen kanssa äänestämistä.

The anniversary year of the City of Kuopio continues, and municipal elections are held in the same year as the anniversary. Now we can also talk about a celebration of democracy.

City of Kuopio is taking the municipal elections into account in its communication in several ways. A separate page has been created for the elections. The page contains information and basic information about voting: Municipality elections 2025.

The City of Kuopio’s election communication has a particular aim to reach groups where participation in the elections has been low. One such group is young adults. Multilingual communication also aims to reach out to people in Kuopio who do not speak Finnish as their mother tongue. Such groups include, for example, citizens of other countries who have the right to vote in municipal elections.

Municipal elections are the elections that have the most impact on people’s daily lives. The municipality is everyone’s contact point for things like welfare, education, sport and culture. Every vote counts,” says Kuopio Mayor Soile Lahti about the municipal elections.