Kuopio Employment Area starts operating 2.1.2025

Employment services will be transferred from the TE Offices to the municipalities when the TE Offices are abolished from 1 January 2025. With the reform, jobseeker and employer clients, staff and services will be transferred to the municipalities. We are forming the Kuopio employment area together with 10 other municipalities and in this employment area you can get employment services from TyöNavigaattori. Our employment area includes the municipality of Kuopio, as well as Kaavi, Keitele, Lapinlahti, Rautalampi, Rautavaara, Siilinjärvi, Suonenjoki, Tervo, Tuusniemi and Vesanto.
The jobseeker’s status is automatically transferred
The reform does not require any action from jobseekers. The customer will automatically be transferred to the employment area. Your rights and obligations as a jobseeker-customer will also remain unchanged. You are advised to continue your job search as planned and to report any changes in the Job Finder’s Customer section as before.
We will be in contact with jobseekers as necessary. In addition to services and customers, the municipality will also transfer staff from the TE Office. This means that your own specialist may change with the reform. Some of the specialists will also change their phone number and e-mail address at the turn of the year, so please contact them by phone on 044 718 1807.
Contact details of TyöNavigaattori from 2.1.2025
- The Job Marketplace’s Customer Service section www.tyomarkkinatori.fi
- Phone service:
- Individual customers: 044 718 1807 weekdays 10-16
- Employer customers: 044 718 7500 weekdays 9-15
- Postal address: PL 8, 70101 Kuopio
- E-mail: tyonavigaattori@kuopio.fi
- Service points without an appointment:
– TyöNavigaattori Kuopio, Asemakatu 7, 70101 Kuopio. Open on weekdays 8-16.
– TyöNavigaattori Siilinjärvi, Kuiluntie 3, 71800 Siilinjärvi (Kela building). Open on weekdays 9-12 from 13.1.
– In other municipalities in the employment area, local services are available by appointment. In other municipalities in the employment area, local services are available by appointment.
Website www.tyonavigaattori.fi opens 2.1.2025