Kuopio continues to be the second most attractive city in Finland

Сity of Kuopio is again in second place in T-Media’s list of the most attractive cities in Finland. Tampere has also held the top spot in previous surveys. Jyväskylä is tied with Kuopio for second place.
The results are based on T-Media’s Attractiveness&Potentiality survey conducted in January 2024. The research investigated the attractiveness and retention power of Finland’s ten largest cities in terms of population, both among potential residents and among the cities’ own residents. A total of 2 255 respondents participated in the survey of city residents and 1 709 in the survey of potential residents. The target group of the survey was Finns aged 15-65. This was the fourth time that the survey had been carried out.
In T-Media’s research model, a city’s attractiveness score is the average of six different areas: economic vitality, community, environment, location, services and cost structure. All areas are rated on a scale of 1 to 5.
Tampere, which holds the number one spot, has an average attractiveness score of 3.80, while Kuopio and Jyväskylä, in second place, have an average score of 3.66. The survey results show that the attractiveness of the top ten cities for potential new residents has fallen slightly compared to the previous year. Only Espoo and Turku have increased their attractiveness.