Our Kuopio Festival
Our Kuopio festival is residents’ own urban festival 10. 25.8.2024. The events are spread all over the city from the suburbs to the countryside. Whoever can take part in the events as an experiencer or make their own event. The events are mainly free of charge and open to all.
If you have an idea of an event, you can sign it up for the Our Kuopio Festival program at Kuopion Seinä (kuopionseina.fi). All events entered by 31.7. will automatically be included in the festival program.
If needed, you can apply for production grant from Our Kuopio Festival. The money granted can be used e.g. for material, marketing and commission costs. Production grant for events organized during the festival can be applied for until 17.6.2024. Please note that production grant must be applied for no later than two (2) weeks before the event is organized.
This year, support will also be granted to Our Kuopio pop up events, which are organized outside the actual festival weeks. Events can take place both before and after the festival. The application period for production grant is continuous and ends on 1.11.2024.
More information:
Hanna Kalliokoski, Project Coordinator
tel. +358 44 718 2130