Women´s entrepreneurship day 18.3.
Have you ever wanted to start your own business?
Do you want to meet other women who are passionate about entrepreneurship?
Join us for an exciting evening of stories and practical tips from female entrepreneurs in Kuopio!
We are excited to have with us 5 amazing women to help you on your journey:
Henna Stockås
is a former rider for the Equestrian Team Finland. She is the Owner and Founder of Ratsastuskeskus ILO Oy, one of Northern Savonia’s largest equestrian centers.
She is also the Co-Founder and Co-Owner of Stockås Oy, a slow fashion equestrian competition and lifestyle wear brand that designs and manufactures products in Finland using Finnish and EU-sourced fabrics. Additionally, she serves as the chairperson of Kuopion Yrittäjät and is an entrepreneur in the 4th generation. Henna holds a BBA in professional sales, is a level 2 Equestrian Coach, and is currently pursuing education as a Professional Sports Coach.
Do you have an original idea? A solution to a problem? Do you want to know how to “start” your own start-up?
Arezoo Rahmani
is the Co-founder and Executive Director of WonderBee OY, a start-up which manufactures a pollen substitute that can save bees from food shortages caused by climate change. They have created pollen patties that are nutritionally balanced and make bees stronger and healthier. Arezoo also works as a Process Designer at Sweco. Come hear more about Arezoo’s mission to safeguard the future of our precious pollinators. You can see more about Wonderbee at
Katja Gorlinski
is the founder and methodologist behind iEVA, a mobile game and companion for mental wellbeing. iEVA, empowers users them to navigate life’s twists and turns with the same ease as driving a personal car. The iEVA method has helped people from different countries, cultures and genders. Katja’s diverse career spans architecture, UX/UI design, entrepreneurship, and strategic management. She dedicates her time to doing her own scientific research in somnology, psychology and neurophysiology and finds joy in landscaping and topiary cutting.
Are you interested in running a more traditional type of business. Do you have a skill that you want to use to create your own business?
Anastasiia Pietikäinen
is the owner of Hemmotteluhuone Kuopio – “the pampering room” a massage therapy business located in the center of the city. She is currently also studying to become a social service professional. She is active citizen of Kuopio who knows all the happenings and events around the area. Her hobbies include dancing, singing, psychology and self-improvement. A fascinating tidbit about Anastasiia: she comes from Yakutsk, known as the coldest city on earth. You can see more about Hemmoteluhuone at
Are you interested in a side-hustle? Do you want to work and do a bit of entrepreneurship on the side?
lnabat Seytnazarova
is an lmmigrant Counselor working in the Employment Service of the city of Kuopio. Beyond her role in assisting immigrants, lnabat has explored entrepreneurship as a light entrepreneur, running a small-scale business. During the summer months, you could find her operating a food truck named “Shake it Baby” selling milkshakes and cakes at the Kuopion tori. Join lnabat as she shares her entrepreneurial journey, offering insights into the challenges and triumphs of running a small-scale business.