“See me” light work will be installed at the Savilahti campus underpass

City of Kuopio has decided to complete the winning proposal of the design competition See me, which took place in spring 2023. The proposal was designed by Savonia University of Applied Sciences design student Sirkka-Liisa Salminen. The light work will be implemented in next few years at the Campus underpass to Neulaniementie street in Savilahti.
See Me is a work of light that focuses on young people, students and the future. The title refers to the role of students, the challenges they face and their acceptance of difference. The work also highlights the diverse skills of Savilahti’s students. In addition to the design student Sirkka-Liisa Salminen, who designed the proposal, the work will be carried out by students from the area, who will be involved in painting the concrete surface of the underpass.
Student, become a part of the work!
Adult students from different backgrounds from educational institutions in Savilahti will be selected to be photographed. If you would like to be seen as part of the work, please register for the photo shoot in Kuopio in spring 2024 by contacting the artist at naeminut@outlook.com.
Send a clear face photo and a short introduction by 29.2.2024. The information will be treated confidentially and will only be used for the project in question. The date and location of the shoot will be informed personally to those who are selected.