Work trial info 8.2.2024

Welcome to discuss work trial opportunities in the work trial info!
February 8, 2024, at 1:00 PM
TE-palvelut Messi työnhaun maailma
Kauppakeskus Apaja
Kauppa katu 45, Kuopio
- Engage with integration specialists from the Kuopio Employment Municipal Experiment, the TE Office and Elävä säätiö.
- Representatives from MESTAR will be discussing work trials in Kuopio’s streets, parks, and buildings maintenance.
- HR specialist for Kuopio City’s kindergartens will discuss opportunities for work trials.
Our team speaks Finnish, Arabic, English, and Russian for your convenience.
An information session will be broadcast on January 30, 2024, covering the work trial’s guidelines and rules. Questions are welcome via chat in Arabic, English, Russian, or Finnish.
Access the live broadcast and its recording at