New international experts to Kuopio through cooperation

Henni Kuikka, International House’s Business Cooperation cordinator, participated in a recruitment trip to Barcelona with EURES North Savo and Savas Foundation on 2.-5.10.2023
During the trip she met new Savas Foundation employees who are already receiving language training and will arrive in Finland in March 2024 to work for Savas and start their life in Kuopio. The purpose of the meeting was to get to know the newcomers, to offer guidance and advice on issues that are relevant to them before and immediately after their arrival and to provide information about their new home cities, environment, services and life in Finland.
Kuopio is not the only city in Pohjois-Savo to welcome these newcomers: Iisalmi, Pieksämäki, Kiuruvesi and Mikkeli will also have new Savas employees arriving in the beginning of 2024. Savas provides its customers with services supporting housing and other aspects of life management. They actively develop services, support forms, and operating models that enhance the participation and well-being of those in need of support. You can read more about the Savas Foundation and their job openings in Finnish here: Savas – Joustavia yksilöllisen elämän vaihtoehtoja
EURES Finland / Northern Savo is an international recruitment service that enables employers to search for workforce from Europe. The goal of the EURES network is to facilitate and promote the free movement of workers within the EU/EEA area, as well as to support the implementation of the EU employment strategy and promote the achievement of employment goals. EURES experts from Northern Savo also participated in a trip to Barcelona, which served as a splendid milestone in the longstanding collaboration with the Savas Foundation. The recruitment process had already been initiated through their collaboration much earlier, and the cooperation continues all the way to the relocation of workers to Finland, and beyond as needed. Contact information for EURES experts nationwide can be found here: EURES-asiantuntijat – TE-palvelut
The local EURES experts in Barcelona took good care of all of us and were warmly welcoming us all. We hope that we can return the favor and welcome them to visit Kuopio next spring!
During the journey, Finnish language lessons were also provided for the new employees, thanks to the presence of Arffman’s Finnish as a Second Language (S2) teacher! The collaborative trip also involved the participation of the Northern Savo Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment (ELY Centre) and Life & Career project workers from Iisalmi.
International House plays a crucial role in assisting newcomers settling in Kuopio. Henni helps them for example, among other things, in finding accommodation, applying for daycare for children, discovering leisure activities and getting started with official matters such as opening a bank account, arranging electricity contracts, and taking out home insurance.
During the journey, there was also a quick exploration of downtown Barcelona and, of course, Spanish delicacies. Henni personally also recommends a catamaran cruise off the coast of Barcelona! The collaboration will continue in the future!
For more information about the activities of International House Kuopio:
Henni Kuikka
Business Cooperation Coordinator
040 718 2101