Nilsiä community centre

We are happy to see you in the Nilsiä community centre! Community centres are places for meetings, hobbies, and club activities. The City and various other parties use community centres to organise a variety of events and activities open for everyone. You are warmly welcome to take part in events and meet other residents.
You can attend community events, participate in activities arranged by clubs and associations, sit down for a cup of coffee or tea, hang out, read daily newspapers, play games, or simply study. The community centre activities are free of charge (excluding excursions).
Are you interested in arranging, for example, a reading club, exercise group, or other activity in the community centre? The community centre can be used for organising various activities and events, as long as they are open to everyone. Read more about using and booking the community centre.
The Nilsiä community centre has a printer for the residents to use, as well as the Savon Sanomat and Pitäjäläinen newspapers to read.
Interested in volunteer work in the community centre? Read more about volunteer work here.
The City of Kuopio coordinates the activities of the Nilsiä community centre. Community workers are present on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Location and other information
Address: Nilsiäntie 78, 73300 Nilsiä
Opening hours: Tue and Thu at 10–15
Events and activities at the Nilsiä community centre
Regular programme
- Singing and reminiscing group, Tuesdays 11–12
- Game club, Tuesdays 12–14
Download the weekly programme for community centres, spring 2023.
- Will update soon
Contact information
Outi Kuosmanen
Community worker
+358 44 718 2155
Current events on the Kuopion Seinä service Kuopion Seinä This link will open to a new tab (in Finnish)